
最終更新日:2024年8月 本ウェブサイト(以下、「本サイト」といいます)へようこそ。本サイトは、お客様がお住まいの国に応じて以下の者が所有または運営しています:(a) フランス・国際版:diptyque SAS、(b) 英国:Saint Germain Limited、(c) 米国:Diptyque Distribution LLC、(d) 香港:Beautiful Tree(香港) Limited; (e) 日本:Diptyque Japan 株式会社、(f) 中国:Beautiful Tree(上海) Limited、および(g) カナダ:diptyque Canada Inc.(以下、総称して「Diptyque」といいます)。本クッキーポリシーにおいては、Diptyqueを「当社」、「我々」、または「私たち」という場合があります。 本サイトでは、本サイトの各ユーザーを区別するためにクッキーを利用します。クッキーとは、文字や数字を含む容量の小さなファイルです。お客様が同意した場合、当社はこれをお客様のブラウザまたはコンピュータのハードディスクに保存します。クッキーに含まれる情報は、お客様のコンピュータのハードディスクに転送されます。クッキーを使用すると、あるウェブサイト上、および複数のウェブサイト間でお客様の行動を追跡することができます。ウェブサイトは、この情報を用いてお客様の好みを理解し、より良いウェブサイトでの体験をお客様にお届けできるようになります。本サイトでは、機能性クッキー、パフォーマンスクッキー、マーケティングクッキー、およびパーソナライゼーションクッキーを使用しています。これにより当社は、お客様による本サイト閲覧時の利便性を向上させることができます。例えば、お客様が本サイトにアクセスし、ユーザー名とパスワードを使用してご自分のアカウントにログインする際、当社がお客様のコンピュータを認識できるようになるのです。クッキーの利用は、当社が本サイトを改善するうえでも役立ちます。 当社は、以下のクッキーを使用します。


名称 説明 有効期間 ホスト名
OneTrustGroupsUpdated Data Consent Manager, OneTrust 30,00 .diptyqueparis.com
OptanonAlertBoxClosed Data Consent Manager, OneTrust 355,00 .diptyqueparis.com
OptanonConsent Data Consent Manager, OneTrust 355,00  .diptyqueparis.com
vsf-cart Store product added to cart Session www.diptyqueparis.com
vsf-currency Store type of currency selected Session www.diptyqueparis.com
vsf-locale Store locale language selected Session www.diptyqueparis.com
vsf-store Store Country of transaction Session www.diptyqueparis.com
vsf-customer Store id of the customer Session www.diptyqueparis.com


名称 説明 有効期間 ホスト名
ABTasty Statistics, AB Tasty 396,00 .diptyqueparis.com
ABTastySession Statistics, AB Tasty Session .diptyqueparis.com
_cs_id to store a unique user ID, Content Square 396,00 .diptyqueparis.com
_cs_s to store and count pageviews, Content Square - .diptyqueparis.com
_ga to store and count pageviews, Google Analytics 400,00 .diptyqueparis.com
_ga_92JVY78J39 to store and count pageviews, Google Analytics 390,00 .diptyqueparis.com
_ga_CKR18VW8BT to store and count pageviews, Google Analytics 368,00 .diptyqueparis.com
_ga_CT2D9NNP34 to store and count pageviews, Google Analytics 373,00 .diptyqueparis.com
_ga_F5YQN0HY9T to store and count pageviews, Google Analytics 400,00 .diptyqueparis.com
_ga_GEG1TBQ1TL to store and count pageviews, Google Analytics 400,00 .diptyqueparis.com
pageview_Count to store and count pageviews 30,00 .diptyqueparis.com
uid User id to count actions and page viewed 90 .adform.net
pageCount Count page 30 .newrelic.com
Pageview_Count Count pages viewed 30 .newrelic.com
Login_idle_session_timeout Count duration of session 30 .newrelic.com
osano_consentmanager Record user consent 150 .newrelic.com
osano_consentmanager_uuid User consent unique id 150 .newrelic.com
ref_page_cat Source of the session 360 .newrelic.com
login_service_login_newrelic_com_tokens Deliver a token for the session to stay connected Session .newrelic.com


名称 説明 有効期間 ホスト名
__zlcmid user identification, Zopim 355,00 .diptyqueparis.com
_cs_c to provide functions for integration, Content Square 356,00 .diptyqueparis.com
_cs_cvars to provide functions for integration, Content Square Session .diptyqueparis.com
_hjSessionUser_1295511 to provide functions across pages, Hotjar 365,00 .diptyqueparis.com
_hjSession_1295511 to provide functions across pages, Hotjar Session .diptyqueparis.com
_mibhv Site content customisation, Movable Ink 351,00  vn3p1up7.micpn.com


名称 説明 有効期間 ホスト名
MR Store interest for targeted Ads, Bing Ads 4,00  .bat.bing.com
MSPTC Store interest for targeted Ads, Bing Ads 351,00  .bing.com
MUID Store interest for targeted Ads, Bing Ads 387,00 .bing.com
SRCHD Store interest for targeted Ads, Bing Ads 345,00 .bing.com
SRCHHPGUSR Store interest for targeted Ads, Bing Ads 345,00  .bing.com
SRCHUID Store interest for targeted Ads, Bing Ads 345,00 .bing.com
SRCHUSR Store interest for targeted Ads, Bing Ads 345,00  .bing.com
_EDGE_V Store interest for targeted Ads, Bing Ads 345,00  .bing.com
_RwBf Store interest for targeted Ads, Bing Ads 320,00  .bing.com
_uetvid Store interest for targeted Ads, Bing Ads 345,00 .bing.com
_pinterest_ct_ua Store interest for targeted Ads, Pinterest 365,00 .ct.pinterest.com
_fbp Store interest for targeted Ads, Meta (Facebook, Instagram) 90,00  .diptyqueparis.com
_gcl_au Store Customer Interaction, Google ADS 51,00 .diptyqueparis.com
_gcl_aw Store Customer Interaction, Google ADS 51,00  .diptyqueparis.com
_mak Store interest for targeted Ads, Meta (Facebook, Instagram) 326,00  .diptyqueparis.com
_mak_jry Store interest for targeted Ads, Meta (Facebook, Instagram) 365,00  .diptyqueparis.com
_mak_pa_id Store interest for targeted Ads, Meta (Facebook, Instagram) 365,00  .diptyqueparis.com
_mak_pid Store interest for targeted Ads, Meta (Facebook, Instagram) 365,00  .diptyqueparis.com
_mak_sid Store interest for targeted Ads, Meta (Facebook, Instagram) Session .diptyqueparis.com
_pin_unauth Store interest for targeted Ads, Pinterest 365,00 .diptyqueparis.com
_uetsid Store interest for targeted Ads, Bing Ads 1,00 .diptyqueparis.com
_uetvid Store interest for targeted Ads, Bing Ads 390,00  .diptyqueparis.com
DSID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 13,00  .doubleclick.net
IDE Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 349,00 .doubleclick.net
ar_debug Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 30,00  .doubleclick.net
receive-cookie-deprecation Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 180,00  .doubleclick.net
datr Store interest for targeted Ads, Meta (Facebook, Instagram) 359,00 .facebook.com
sb Store interest for targeted Ads, Meta (Facebook, Instagram) 375,00  .facebook.com
1P_JAR Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 27,00  .google.com
AEC Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 139,00  .google.com
APISID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00 .google.com
HSID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00 .google.com
NID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 183,00 .google.com
SAPISID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00  .google.com
SEARCH_SAMESITE Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 170,00  .google.com
SID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00  .google.com
SIDCC Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 365,00  .google.com
SOCS Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 368,00  .google.com
SSID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00  .google.com
__Secure-1PAPISID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00  .google.com
__Secure-1PSID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00  .google.com
__Secure-1PSIDCC Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 365,00  .google.com
__Secure-3PAPISID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00 .google.com
__Secure-3PSID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00 .google.com
__Secure-3PSIDCC Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 365,00  .google.com
APISID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00  .google.fr
HSID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00 .google.fr
NID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 137,00  .google.fr
SAPISID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00  .google.fr
SID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00  .google.fr
SSID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00  .google.fr
__Secure-1PAPISID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00 .google.fr
__Secure-1PSID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00  .google.fr
__Secure-3PAPISID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00  .google.fr
__Secure-3PSID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 400,00  .google.fr
__Secure-ENID Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 358,00  .google.fr
ar_debug Store interest for targeted Ads, Pinterest 365,00  .pinterest.com
obuid Store interest for targeted Ads, outbrain 365,00  .zemanta.com
zuid Store interest for targeted Ads, outbrain 365,00  .zemanta.com
_mibhv Site content customisation, Movable Ink 365,00 www.diptyqueparis.com
OTZ Store interest for targeted Ads, Google Doubleclick 5,00  www.google.com
_ldbrbid Targeting, Japan 365,00  .line.me
g_state Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 177,00  www.linkedin.com
li_alerts Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 362,00 www.linkedin.com
fcookie Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 4,00  www.linkedin.com
fid Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 4,00  www.linkedin.com
ar_debug Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads Session  cm.teads.tv
dgzsdl08v4 Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads - api.bounceexchange.com
zuid Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 365,00 .zemanta.com
obuid Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 365,00 .zemanta.com
li_rm Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 362,00  .www.linkedin.com
li_theme_set Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 177,00 .www.linkedin.com
timezone Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 11,00  www.linkedin.com
li_theme Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 177,00  .www.linkedin.com
bscookie Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 365,00  .www.linkedin.com
tt_viewer Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 331,00  .teads.tv
tt Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 400,00 .px.mountain.com
ar_debug Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 365,00  .pinterest.com
_hp2_id.2952626671 Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 363,00 .mountain.com
rt Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 400,00 .mountain.com
intercom-id-zfxgtsj7 Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 238,00 .mountain.com
userty.core.p.6ac341 Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 368,00  .mountain.com
ajs_user_id Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads .mountain.com
_ga_56KZKZRLF6 Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 368,00  .mountain.com
_ga_NBVRENTVL7 Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 368,00  .mountain.com
_biz_pendingA Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 333,00  .mountain.com
_biz_nA Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 333,00  .mountain.com
__q_state_Gwu3emkPjQpad2fB Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 368,00  .mountain.com
_ttp Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 357,00  .mountain.com
_gcl_au Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 57,00  .mountain.com
FPID Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 368,00 .mountain.com
ajs_anonymous_id Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 333,00 .mountain.com
_fbp Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 58,00 .mountain.com
_hjSessionUser_1284648 Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 333,00 .mountain.com
_biz_uid Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 333,00  .mountain.com
_mkto_trk tore interest, behavior for targeted Ads 368,00  .mountain.com
guid Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 400,00  .mountain.com
_uetvid Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 358,00  .mountain.com
ntercom-device-id-zfxgtsj7 Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 238,00  .mountain.com
_biz_flagsA Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 332,00  .mountain.com
premiersess Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 368,00  .mountain.com
_scid_r Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 364,00  .mountain.com
_scid Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 363,00 .mountain.com
_rdt_uuid Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 58,00  .mountain.com
_tt_enable_cookie Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 357,00  .mountain.com
_clck Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 333,00 .mountain.com
_ga Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 368,00  .mountain.com
lms_ads Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 30,00  .linkedin.com
visit Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 397,00  .linkedin.com
_guid Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 87,00  .linkedin.com
dfpfpt Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 362,00 .linkedin.com
li_mc Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 177,00  .linkedin.com
li_gc Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 177,00  .linkedin.com
UserMatchHistory Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 30,00 .linkedin.com
li_sugr Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 90,00  .linkedin.com
lms_analytics Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 30,00  .linkedin.com
_gcl_au Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 87,00  .linkedin.com
bcookie Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 365,00  .linkedin.com
AMCV_14215E3D5995C57C0A495C55%40AdobeOrg Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 177,00  .linkedin.com
lidc Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 1,00 .linkedin.com
AnalyticsSyncHistory Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 30,00  .linkedin.com
aam_uuid Store interest, behavior for targeted Ads 27,00 .linkedin.com
Source : https://cookiedatabase.org/