A new lease of life for our creations

A new lease of life for our creations

Diptyque products can be refilled, recycled, repaired and reused to offer them a new and longer lease of life.


As part of our commitment to fighting climate change, we have partnered with pioneering cosmetics recycling and recovery non-profit C.E.D.R.E. to give our products a new lease of life in France. Customers can now dispose of empty containers in our Paris boutiques. We also recover more raw materials than conventional recycling pathways – including every last drop of our products. We are working to extend this service in France and, soon, internationally, in collaboration with other players in the recycling sector, starting with London in January 2024, in partnership with Terracycle.



Although we put a premium on quality, some parts, such as the pumps in our fragrance and refillable hand-care bottles can wear out over time. Our boutiques are happy to replace these pumps for free to make our products last longer. Component replacement is baked into the design of our new creations, allowing us to optimise our repair service for worn or damaged products.

  • +28

    sales outlets worldwide offering a fragrance refill service in 2024

  • 11

    Paris and London boutiques offering a recycling service in 2024

Our ambition
Diptyque has always been committed to creating products of the very highest quality. We are convinced that a sober, more considered approach and a dedication to circularity are essential components of this pursuit of excellence.
Developing more responsible formulas
In developing our product formulas, Diptyque exceeds European regulatory standards – the strictest in the world – as part of our uncompromising approach to safety and quality.
Designing sustainable objects
Diptyque is committed to continuously improving our products so as to reduce their environmental impact.