spring scents

Jasmin (Jasmine) - Classic Candle A jasmine scent encountered during a stroll.
Classic - 6.5 oz
+1 Model
Roses - Very Large Candle A spectacular rose bouquet in an extra-large enamelled stoneware jar.
Extra large - 51.3 oz
+3 Models
Baies (Berries) - Classic Candle Berries blending with flowery rose accents.
Classic - 6.5 oz
+4 Models
Geranium Rosa - Classic Candle All the appeal of a geranium with red flowers.
Classic - 6.5 oz
Roses - Large Candle An abundance of roses - in a novel vessel. A delicate surprise.
Large - 21.2 oz
+3 Models
Freesia - Classic Candle A large bouquiet of freesias signals the arrival of spring.
Classic - 6.5 oz
+1 Model
Roses - Classic Candle A journey into the heart of the rose, evoking the month of May.
Classic - 6.5 oz
+3 Models
Tubéreuse (Tuberose) - Classic Candle Captured in wax: a whole field of tuberoses.
Classic - 6.5 oz
+4 Models
Violette (Violet) - Classic Candle A few violets, gathered at first light.
Classic - 6.5 oz
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Iris - Classic Candle Iris unveiled: gentle, light and elegant.
Classic - 6.5 oz
Aubépine (Hawthorn) - Classic Candle From a thorny flower, a well-rounded scent.
Classic - 6.5 oz
Lys (Lily) - Classic Candle Fresh-cut lilies gathered in a massive bouquet.
Classic - 6.5 oz
Mimosa - Classic Candle Gentle winter. A covering of sunny mimosas with velvety notes.
Classic - 6.5 oz
+1 Model
Tubéreuse (Tuberose) - Medium Candle Overwhelming. Intoxicating. The magic of the tuberose.
Medium - 10.6 oz
+4 Models
Tubéreuse (Tuberose) - Large Candle A heady tuberose in a red porcelain vessel.
Large - 21.2 oz
+4 Models
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