Countless ways to say thank you

Basile Tray - Large A historic design for a versatile object.
Basile +2 models
Ribbons Tray - Medium A graceful design for a versatile object.
Ribbons +2 models
Welcome gift

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Aubépine (Hawthorn) - Classic Candle From a thorny flower, a well-rounded scent.
Classic - 6.5 oz
Baies (Berries) - Classic Candle Berries blending with flowery rose accents.
Classic - 6.5 oz +4 models
Baies (Berries) - Large Candle Roses and berries mingle in a porcelain vessel.
Large - 21.2 oz +4 models
Baies (Berries) - Small Candle A striking encounter in a small format, blending berries with rose.
Small - 2.5 oz +4 models
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