All Candles

Candles, candlesticks, sprays, diffusers... The enveloping scent of fresh green pine needles and sap in all their glory.
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Limited edition
Sapin (Pine Tree) - Small candle Enveloping, resinous. A small, thoughtful gift in a limited edition.

Small -

70g +2 Models
42 €
Limited edition
Étoile (Star) - Small candle Floral, velvety. A small, luminous gift in a limited edition.

Small -

70g +1 Model
42 €
Set to compose
Holiday Carousel and Classic Candle set - To compose A rain of stars for a classic candle

Classic -

120 €
Baies (Berries) - Large Candle Roses and berries mingle in a porcelain vessel.

Large -

600g +4 Models
180 €
Baies (Berries) - Classic Candle Berries blending with flowery rose accents.

Classic -

190g +4 Models
58 €
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